Offline vs Online

My online self is different than my offline self because when i am offline I am a bold sarcastic and light-hearted person that has a cruel sense of humor in which sometimes becomes harsh but in a friendly way. My online personality differs greatly from my offline personality. I still make cruel jokes that poke fun at my own social life. I am still a paradox in every way like I get high grades in school but then I leave school only to annoy the largest kid on the bus, I know many obscure facts about the world but I didn’t know that army vests were made out of Kevlar until about a week ago. Online I am a lot more sassy and critical towards other people like if they made a mistake then I will tell them about it and not beat around the bush like I would do in real life. On internet I tend to be not as wise as I am in real life. In addition I am more sane online and rational than in real life only if I could be like that in real life.

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